"Malcolm and Marie" and adbhuta-rasa, the experience of wonder.
/Just finished watching "Malcolm and Marie" (Netflix 2021). My reflections on it are in direct opposition to the reviews that other critics have already put forth. I found that film to be filled with and dominated with the rasa (emotion) adbhuta (wonder), to have a very powerful dialogue that manifests resentment, karuna (sorrow), raudra (anger), bibhatsya (disgust), and always, in some tangible and intangible way, shringara (love/beauty). I found the actors to convey these emotions beautifully, and I felt as if I was there in the film, not only watching from some Archimedean point, but so immersed in it that I felt that the arc of the film, of their narrative, of their conversation was mine as was their situation. The use of the monochromatic was overwhelming and I felt, as if I was watching a kind of performance art, which could have been frozen and photographed and admired as such. I recommend it. But if you do choose to see it, prepare yourself to be transformed.